
Strengthening Indigenous Women's Voices: Bridging Policies and Communities for Climate Resilience

The project titled "Strengthening Indigenous Women's Voices: Bridging Policies and Communities for Climate Resilience" aims to address the critical need for Indigenous women's involvement in climate resilience policymaking. This 12-month initiative, spearheaded by the National Indigenous Women Forum (NIWF) in collaboration with FIMI, will be implemented in Kathmandu, Nepal. The project envisions a transformative impact by bridging the gap between Indigenous women at decision-making levels and the communities they represent, with a special focus on creating more inclusive, responsive policies for climate resilience.

At the heart of this project is the recognition that systemic and structural discrimination continues to hinder the participation of Indigenous women in policy processes, especially at national and international platforms. By targeting Indigenous women who have access to decision-making spaces, including parliamentarians, the project seeks to dismantle barriers that exclude their voices. This initiative will align with international frameworks, such as the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), and the COP15 Knowledge Management Global Biodiversity Framework (KM-GBF). By connecting these global frameworks with local advocacy efforts, the project will ensure that Indigenous perspectives are included in the wider discussions on climate action and biodiversity conservation.

A key component of this project is the capacity-building of parliamentarians and policymakers at local and provincial levels, many of whom lack a nuanced understanding of Indigenous perspectives on climate and environmental issues. Through a series of capacity development initiatives, the project will equip these policymakers with knowledge and tools to better understand Indigenous traditions, values, and concerns. This will ensure that decision-making processes are more inclusive, equitable, and reflective of the needs and aspirations of Indigenous communities. Additionally, the project will promote dialogue and increase awareness within Indigenous communities, particularly among women, about pressing climate issues and the policies that impact their lives.

Empowering Indigenous women leaders is a cornerstone of this initiative. By providing training and opportunities to engage directly with policymaking processes, the project aims to elevate their voices and ensure their full participation in decision-making. Indigenous women, often marginalized, will have the chance to advocate for their communities in national and international forums focused on climate action, adaptation, and mitigation. Their active involvement will help shape more inclusive climate policies that respect Indigenous knowledge systems and promote biodiversity conservation.

One of the project’s long-term objectives is to foster policy changes that involve more Indigenous people in decision-making, particularly Indigenous women. The initiative will begin by working closely with Indigenous communities, respecting their traditional knowledge and ensuring their perspectives are central to policy discussions. By advocating for inclusive, Indigenous-friendly policies, the project will address current gaps in representation and participation. This advocacy will not only aim to increase the number of Indigenous women in decision-making positions but will also enhance the quality of policies by incorporating their unique insights into climate resilience.