One of the Largest networking umbrella organizations in Nepal
Advocacy on International Platforms
Fostering Intergenerational Knowledge transfer
About Us
About Us

Indigenous women of Nepal face multiple forms of discrimination. Indigenous women, being indigenous peoples, face racial, linguistic, religious, cultural, economic, political discrimination and exclusion. Also, indigenous women, being women, face gender discrimination. Thus, indigenous women are victimized by ideologies, policies and practices of Bahunbad (Brahmanism) and patriarchy.

Empowerment and strengthening of indigenous women is a must to end all forms of racial and gender discrimination, exploitation, suppression and oppression against indigenous women. Acceptance of multi-caste and ethnic, multi-lingual, multi-religious and multi-cultural reality of Nepali society by the people’s movement of 1990 has indeed paved a way for non-governmental organizations to contribute for empowerment and strengthening of indigenous peoples, women and other excluded groups and communities. There was growing realization for a need of organized efforts by indigenous women to make development programs for women and indigenous peoples successful, to organize and empower indigenous women from local to national levels on common issues of women, and to work for equity and equality by having common objectives on women’s common issues. It was in this backdrop that the National Indigenous Women Forum (NIWF) was founded in 1998.

There are not only common problems and issues of indigenous women and other women and also of indigenous women and indigenous men but also distinct problems and issues that are unique to indigenous women. Therefore, the National Indigenous Women Forum (NIWF) was established to support and raise awareness of indigenous women, to intensify advocacy for securing rights of indigenous women and indigenous children, and to run programs with focus on advocacy, training, discussion, interaction, study, and research as needed.

Empowering Women
Our objective is to empower Indigenous Women to become the primary defenders and proponents for securing their rights, as previously highlighted in the GR-39 and CEDAW reports from past years. By doing so, we aim to capacitate Indigenous Women and provide them with the necessary tools and knowledge to advocate for their rights and achieve gender equality in their communities.
Our Misson
Advocate ensuring the rights of highly marginalized and endangered indigenous people particularly women.
Promoting the social, cultural, political and economical rights of indigenous women
Intervening in areas where Indigenous women needs support by finding out and assessing the social situation of indigenous women.
Assisting Indigenous women in mobilizing resources from local, national and other sources so as to make them economically independent.
To increase awareness level of people on the issues of indigenous women widely through publications of different types of publications.
To organize exploited and marginalized women so that they are able to understand their rights and work to ensure their rights and aware the community on various issues such trafficking of women.
Empower Indigenous Women:
Our Work
What We Do
‍NIWF’s support indigenous women to be an equal partner in the national development.
National Indigenous Women Forum (NIWF) plays a pivotal role in lobbying for the rights of Indigenous Women, ensuring that their voices are heard at all levels of governance. By engaging with politicians, lawmakers, and other key stakeholders, as well as participating in regional and international platforms, NIWF strives to make the state and other relevant bodies responsible and accountable for upholding and advancing the rights of Indigenous Women. NIWF actively lobbies politicians and lawmakers to promote policies that protect and empower Indigenous Women. Our approach includes direct meetings, policy briefings, and presenting evidence-based research to inform and influence legislative processes. By maintaining a persistent presence in political arenas, we ensure that the issues affecting Indigenous Women are prioritized and addressed in policy discussions and decision-making. NIWF is dedicated to lobbying for the rights of Indigenous Women and Girls at all levels of governance. Our comprehensive approach, rooted in research and collaboration, ensures that the voices of Indigenous Women are heard and that their rights are prioritized in policy and practice.
Leadership Development & Advocacy
National Indigenous Women Forum (NIWF) is dedicated to fostering the leadership potential of Indigenous Women and Girls. Recognizing the critical role that leadership plays in empowering Communities and driving social change, NIWF offers a range of training, workshops, and programs designed to develop and enhance the leadership skills of Indigenous Women and Girls. NIWF's leadership development programs are designed to address the unique challenges faced by Indigenous Women and Girls. Through these initiatives, NIWF not only equips individuals with the tools they need to lead effectively but also strengthens the broader movement for Indigenous rights and social justice. NIWF is committed to nurturing the next generation of Indigenous leaders. Our programs for young leaders are designed to inspire and engage Indigenous Girls, providing them with early exposure to leadership and advocacy. Our work in this area is a testament to our commitment to social justice, equality, and the empowerment of Indigenous Communities.
Human Rights
Since its establishment, the National Indigenous Women Forum (NIWF) has been steadfastly dedicated to advancing the human rights of Indigenous women and girls. Our commitment to human rights is reflected in our comprehensive approach, which spans grassroots initiatives to high-level policy advocacy. NIWF ensures meaningful and result-oriented engagement at all levels, advocating for the rights of Indigenous peoples through persistent advocacy and strategic lobbying. NIWF recognizes the unique challenges faced by Indigenous Women and Girls, who often experience compounded discrimination based on their gender and ethnicity. NIWF’s advocacy efforts focus on promoting their rights and addressing issues such as violence, discrimination, lack of access to education and healthcare, and economic marginalization. NIWF works to amplify their voices, ensuring they are heard and respected in all spheres of life. At the grassroots level, NIWF engages directly with Indigenous Communities to understand their needs, aspirations, and challenges. NIWF conducts workshops, training sessions, and awareness campaigns to educate Indigenous Women and Girls about their rights. NIWF extends its advocacy efforts to the policy-making arena, where NIWF strives to influence laws, policies, and practices that impact Indigenous Peoples. Our policy advocacy is based on rigorous research and grounded in the lived experiences of Indigenous Women and Girls. We engage with policymakers, government officials and stakeholders to push for legislative reforms and the implementation of policies that protect and promote the rights of Indigenous Peoples.
Research & Publication
Research and Publication are integral to the mission of the National Indigenous Women Forum. Through empirical research, policy reviews, and the dissemination of our findings, NIWF strives to bring Indigenous issues to the forefront and advocate for meaningful change. NIWF’s work not only informs and educates but also empowers Indigenous Communities by amplifying their voices and experiences. NIWF believes that well-informed advocacy, grounded in solid research, is essential for achieving justice, equality, and respect for Indigenous Peoples. NIWF conducts extensive empirical research on a wide range of Indigenous issues. This research is designed to uncover the lived experiences of Indigenous Peoples, identify systemic challenges, and document the cultural, social, and economic realities within these Indigenous Communities. Our research methodology is rooted in participatory approaches, ensuring that Indigenous voices are not only heard but are integral to the research process. By engaging directly with Community members, we gather qualitative and quantitative data that reflects the authentic perspectives of Indigenous Peoples.
Youth Initiative
National Indigenous Women Forum (NIWF) is dedicated to fostering the empowerment of Indigenous Girls and Youth through a variety of training programs, workshops, and initiatives. Understanding the unique challenges faced by young Indigenous individuals, NIWF has made it a priority to provide them with the tools, skills, and knowledge they need to thrive. Focus for Indigenous Girls (FIG) operates as a sister organization to NIWF, with a specialized focus on raising awareness and addressing critical issues among Indigenous Girls and Youth. FIG aims to educate and empower young Indigenous individuals on topics such as climate change, sex, gender, sexuality, and gender-based violence. By tackling these vital issues, FIG seeks to create a generation of informed and empowered leaders who can advocate for themselves and their communities. In 2023, NIWF launched Indigenous Girls Opportunity Fund (IGOF), an initiative aimed at providing educational opportunities to Indigenous Girls from economically disadvantaged backgrounds. This fund offers scholarships that enable these Young Indigenous Girls to pursue their education and achieve their academic goals. The work of National Indigenous Women Forum and Focus for Indigenous Girls represents a holistic approach to empowerment. Through awareness campaigns, education, leadership training, and financial support, NIWF and FIG are making significant strides in improving the lives of Indigenous Girls and Youth. Their efforts ensure that the next generation of Indigenous leaders is well-prepared to address the complex issues of today and tomorrow, driving positive change within their Communities and beyond.
National Indigenous Women Forum (NIWF) is dedicated to the preservation and promotion of Indigenous knowledge, languages, cultures, and traditions. Recognizing the profound value these elements hold, NIWF has made it their mission to document and safeguard them for future generations. Indigenous knowledge, in particular, offers invaluable solutions to contemporary challenges like climate change, making its preservation crucial. Indigenous knowledge encompasses a deep understanding of the natural world, developed over centuries through close interaction with the environment. This knowledge includes sustainable agricultural practices, natural resource management, and climate adaptation strategies that have been honed to perfection. By documenting and disseminating this knowledge, NIWF ensures that these time-tested solutions remain accessible and can be integrated into broader climate action efforts. One of NIWF’s significant initiatives is the documentation of the Bankariya Community’s language. The Bankariya are an endangered Indigenous community in Nepal, with their language at risk of extinction. With only a few elders fluent in the mother tongue, the language is perilously close to disappearing. This loss would mean the erasure of a vital component of the community’s identity, culture, and history. Documentation is important in preservation of Identity and Culture, Educational and Research Value, Empowerment and Advocacy. The work of NIWF in documenting Indigenous knowledge, languages, and cultures is a vital endeavour. It ensures that the wisdom and traditions of Indigenous Peoples are preserved for future generations, while also providing crucial solutions to modern challenges such as climate change. Through these efforts, NIWF is fostering a more inclusive, sustainable, and culturally rich world.
Climate Justice
Indigenous Peoples, particularly Indigenous Women, are among the most vulnerable populations affected by climate change. The unique challenges they face require tailored solutions that not only address immediate needs but also promote long-term sustainability and resilience. The National Indigenous Women Forum (NIWF) has recognized this critical need and has been at the forefront of advocating for climate justice. To empower Indigenous Women and their communities, NIWF has initiated a series of comprehensive Climate Smart Farming training programs. These programs are specifically designed to help Indigenous Women Groups develop sustainable agricultural practices that enable them to produce fresh vegetables throughout the year, including off-season periods. By implementing these practices, the women can sustain themselves and their families, ensuring food security and economic stability. One of the most significant achievements of NIWF’s training programs has been the substantial reduction in the use of chemical pesticides. The women have embraced environmentally friendly farming techniques, which are beneficial not only for their health but also for the preservation of their natural surroundings. This shift towards organic farming practices contributes to the overall health of the ecosystem, promoting biodiversity and reducing environmental pollution. Achieving climate justice requires a multifaceted approach that addresses the social, economic, and environmental dimensions of climate change. It involves ensuring that the voices of the most vulnerable and marginalised communities are heard and that their rights and needs are prioritised and NIWF works to bring forth Indigenous Peoples voices.
Economic Empowerment
Since its establishment in 1998, National Indigenous Women Forum (NIWF) has been steadfast in its mission to economically empower Indigenous Communities. By offering a diverse range of training programs and workshops, NIWF ensures that the specific needs and demands of these Indigenous Communities are effectively addressed. A cornerstone of NIWF's initiatives is the Integrated Pest Management (IPM) training, which has been instrumental in empowering Indigenous Women groups through sustainable agricultural practices. This training not only enhances their agricultural productivity but also fosters economic independence, allowing them to support their families and communities more effectively. In addition to agricultural training, NIWF has introduced soap-making workshops tailored for the Bankariya and Chepang Women groups. These workshops provide the skills necessary for these women to produce and market soap, creating a reliable source of income and promoting self-sufficiency. The success of these programs is evident in the improved economic conditions and enhanced quality of life for the participants. NIWF's commitment to economic empowerment extends beyond agriculture and soap making. NIWF has also facilitated training in pickle making and knitting, providing Indigenous Women with a variety of skills to generate income. These trainings are designed not only to impart technical skills but also to encourage entrepreneurship and business acumen among the participants. Furthermore, NIWF places a strong emphasis on leadership development. By offering leadership training programs, the organization aims to equip Indigenous Women with the confidence and skills needed to take on leadership roles within their Communities. These programs are crucial for fostering a sense of agency and empowering Women to advocate for their rights and the rights of their Communities. Through its comprehensive and multifaceted approach, NIWF has made significant strides in economically empowering Indigenous Women. The organization’s efforts have led to sustainable economic development, greater financial independence, and improved social standing for many women within Indigenous communities. NIWF remains committed to continuing its work, adapting its programs to meet evolving needs, and expanding its reach to empower even more Indigenous Women in the future.
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2024-10-14 16:44:07
Relief Distribution by National Indigenous Women Forum in Collaboration with Sankalpa at Temal Rural Municipality

On September 26-27, 2024, Temal Rural Municipality in Kavrepalanchowk District was hit by severe flooding caused by heavy rainfall. The flooding led to significant damage to homes, agricultural lands, and local infrastructure, leaving many families in urgent need of basic supplies, including food and shelter. The affected families, many of whom belong to Indigenous Communities, faced immediate hardships due to the loss of food stocks and damage to livelihoods. Recognizing the urgency of the situation, the National Indigenous Women Forum (NIWF), in collaboration with Sankalpa, swiftly organized a relief distribution program to provide essential supplies to the flood-affected families.

The relief distribution took place on October 7, 2024, in Temal Rural Municipality. The program provided immediate assistance to 34 families who had been directly impacted by the flooding. These families were identified through local consultations and coordination with community leaders, ensuring that the aid reached those most in need. The relief package primarily focused on providing food supplies to the affected families, recognizing the immediate threat of food insecurity following the disaster. The food items distributed included: Rice, Lentils, Cooking oil, Salt, Sugar, Instant noodles, Biscuits and Bitten Rice. These essential food items were selected to provide temporary relief for the families.

2024-09-19 13:05:57
National Indigenous Women Forum at the 4th Asia Pacific Feminist Forum in Chiang Mai Thailand

From 12-14 September 2024, NIWF’s Executive Director, Ms. Dwarika Thebe, Field Coordinator, Ms. Sanila Lama, Mentor Ms. Mala Rai, and Young Researcher Ms. Sabnam Lama represented NIWF at the 4th Asia Pacific Feminist Forum (APFF) held in Chiang Mai, Thailand. Organized by the Asia Pacific Forum on Women, Law, and Development (APWLD), this significant tri-annual event brings together feminists, activists, and Women Human Rights Defenders (WHRDs) from across Asia and the Pacific to discuss, share experiences, and strategize transformative actions for social change. The forum focuses on critical issues such as gender equality, environmental justice, human rights, and economic empowerment, providing a collaborative space for attendees to forge alliances and collectively address regional and global challenges.As part of their contribution to this transformative platform, Ms. Thebe and Ms. Lama facilitated a workshop titled "Women in Our Power Fighting for Climate Justice: Weaving Our Stories of Struggles and Visions for a Truly Equitable and Sustainable Planet." This interactive session provided a creative and reflective space where participants could explore and share their experiences of climate justice. The workshop centered on how women, especially Indigenous women and marginalized communities, are disproportionately affected by climate change. To encourage deeper engagement, participants were divided into five groups, each representing different countries, and tasked with creating artistic representations of their nation's specific climate justice issues. These groups utilized various forms of visual expression—such as drawings, collages, and posters—to highlight the most pressing environmental challenges they faced, including deforestation, rising sea levels, water scarcity, and the displacement of Indigenous communities.In addition to facilitating their workshop, the NIWF team participated in several other sessions organized during the APFF, each addressing key feminist and environmental issues. Among the sessions they attended were "Women Rise Up: Agroecology Practices of Rural Women in Asia," which discussed the role of rural women in sustainable agriculture, and "Trafficking the Money of Climate False Solutions," which critiqued the financial mechanisms behind inadequate global responses to climate change. Another thought-provoking workshop, "Good Feminist/Bad Citizen: Interrogating the Personal and Political," delved into the complex intersections of feminist activism and citizenship. The session "Indigenous Sisters: Remembering Together to Resist Together" was particularly impactful, as it focused on how Indigenous women can draw on shared histories of oppression and resistance to strengthen collective efforts in fighting for their rights.After the APFF, on 15 September 2024, the NIWF team attended the Regional Migrants Convening Meeting. During this meeting, NIWF provided crucial insights from the perspective of Nepali Indigenous women, focusing on the specific challenges faced by migrant and returnee women in the context of labor rights, exploitation, and social reintegration.Through their active participation in workshops, discussions, and cultural exchanges at the APFF, the NIWF team contributed to shaping the collective feminist agenda for the Asia-Pacific region, emphasizing the central role of Indigenous women in the fight for climate justice, gender equality, and human rights.

2024-09-10 13:35:33
National Indigenous Women Forum (NIWF) held a round table discussion to address the pressing issue of Indigenous Migrant Women, with a specific focus on the challenges faced by Indigenous Returnee Migrant Women (IRMW)

On 8th September 2024, the National Indigenous Women Forum (NIWF) held a round table discussion to address the pressing issue of Indigenous Migrant Women, with a specific focus on the challenges faced by Indigenous Returnee Migrant Women (IRMW). The event was part of NIWF’s ongoing efforts to advocate for more inclusive policies and practices that recognize the unique circumstances of Indigenous women. The discussion was facilitated by Ms. Sabnam Lama and included presentations and an open dialogue between experts and participants. Ms. Mala Rai presented the key findings of NIWF’s research on IRMW, a study that used Feminist Participatory Action Research (FPAR). This approach ensured that the research was rooted in the lived experiences and voices of the women themselves, making their stories central to understanding the complex challenges they face. FPAR emphasizes collaboration with participants and empowers marginalized communities to play an active role in shaping research outcomes, rather than being passive subjects. Through this methodology, Ms. Rai and her team were able to capture the depth of the struggles faced by IRMW upon their return to Nepal, including economic instability, social isolation, and a severe lack of reintegration support. 

In her presentation, Ms. Rai highlighted several critical issues. Many returnee women, after enduring harsh conditions abroad, find themselves excluded from economic opportunities due to stigma or limited skills transferability. Their reintegration into society is often met with social exclusion and judgment, exacerbated by cultural norms that do not acknowledge their experiences. The lack of robust reintegration programs leaves these women without essential support networks, perpetuating cycles of poverty and marginalization.
Following Ms. Rai’s presentation, Ms. Uma Tamang presented the policy brief on Indigenous Migrant Women, identifying significant gaps in Nepal’s existing legal and policy frameworks. She emphasized that while general policies exist for migrant workers, they fail to take into account the specific challenges of Indigenous women, particularly in terms of reintegration and legal protections. Ms. Tamang called for tailored economic programs designed to leverage the skills these women acquire abroad, creating opportunities for sustainable livelihoods upon their return. Furthermore, she advocated for stronger legal protections against exploitation, both during the migration process and after their return, stressing the need for a gender-sensitive and Indigenous-inclusive approach.The session concluded with an open floor discussion, where participants, including activists, policymakers, and Indigenous women, provided feedback on the presentations. They shared experiences, discussed possible interventions, and offered recommendations. Many participants echoed the need for a more nuanced understanding of the intersectionality of gender, indigeneity, and migration in policy formulations. The discussion underscored the importance of developing comprehensive support systems for IRMW, such as mental health services, financial literacy training, and community-driven reintegration programs.
2024-09-06 14:34:01
National Indigenous Women Forum and Focus For Indigenous Girls organized a 1-day Child Marriage Awareness Workshop at Sankhu Palubari Community School in Shankharapur Municipality, Kathmandu

On September 1, 2024, National Indigenous Women Forum (NIWF), in collaboration with Focus for Indigenous Girls (FIG) and with the support of MADRE, organized a 1-day Child Marriage Awareness Workshop at Sankhu Palubari Community School in Shankharapur Municipality, Kathmandu. This workshop aimed to raise awareness among young Indigenous girls about the impacts and risks associated with child marriage while fostering a supportive environment for them to share their thoughts and aspirations.

The workshop kicked off with a storytelling session, where participants listened to the story of a young girl grappling with the challenges of child marriage. After the storytelling session, the girls were divided into small groups for discussions. These groups were asked to engage in a thoughtful analysis of the story’s outcomes and explore how the girl's life might have been different had she been empowered to make her own decisions—particularly the decision to continue her education. The next activity, 'Art and Expression,' encouraged participants to use art supplies to create posters, drawings, or collages representing their aspirations. Each girl then explained her artwork to the group, reflecting on how child marriage could affect their goals and future ambitions. A critical component of the workshop was a presentation delivered by Ms. Manika Magar, member of Focus for Indigenous Girls (FIG). Ms. Magar’s presentation delved into the various risks and consequences of child marriage, both at a personal and societal level. She highlighted the negative health impacts associated with early pregnancies, including the increased risks of maternal and infant mortality, and the physical and emotional toll it takes on young girls. She also discussed the legal framework surrounding child marriage in Nepal, emphasizing that, although child marriage is illegal, it still persists in many communities due to entrenched cultural norms and economic pressures.

The workshop concluded with a sense of solidarity and empowerment among the participants. Through the combination of storytelling, discussion, and creative expression, the girls were not only educated about the dangers of child marriage but were also given the space to express their dreams and aspirations for the future.

The success of this workshop was evident in the feedback from the participants, who expressed gratitude for being part of a space where they could freely discuss their thoughts and share their personal goals. They left with a stronger understanding of their rights and the importance of education, armed with the knowledge to challenge the status quo in their communities. Through this impactful initiative, NIWF, FIG, and MADRE demonstrated their commitment to empowering Indigenous girls, fostering resilience, and contributing to the ongoing fight against child marriage in Nepal.

2024-09-02 13:36:31
National Indigenous Women Forum (NIWF) held a program titled "National Level Consultation on Beijing +30 Review from Indigenous Women's Perspectives."

On 1st September, National Indigenous Women Forum (NIWF) held a program titled "National Level Consultation on Beijing +30 Review from Indigenous Women's Perspectives." The program was  facilitated by NIWF's Executive Director, Ms. Dwarika Thebe. The event commenced with a warm welcome and opening remarks from NIWF's Chairperson, Ms. Suni Lama, who took the opportunity to highlight the organization's extensive work and achievements over its 26-year history, emphasizing its commitment to Indigenous Women's rights and issues.Ms. Chanda Thapa, the resource person for the event, then took the floor to deliver a detailed and insightful briefing on the 12 critical areas outlined in the Beijing +30 framework. Her presentation was both informative and analytical, providing the participants with a clear understanding of the global priorities under the Beijing +30 agenda. Ms. Thapa paid particular attention to the three key areas that NIWF plans to prioritize in its ongoing and future efforts: "Women in Power and Decision-Making," "Violence Against Women," and "Women in the Environment." She meticulously outlined the gaps and shortcomings in the review report submitted by the Government of Nepal, emphasizing how these deficiencies disproportionately affect Indigenous women. Her analysis brought to light the unique perspectives and needs of Indigenous Women within the broader Beijing +30 context, advocating for a more inclusive and representative approach in policy formulation and implementation.
Following the briefing, the participants were divided into three focused groups, each tasked with delving deeply into one of the critical areas identified by NIWF. These group discussions were intensive and collaborative, as participants explored the specific challenges, opportunities, and strategies related to their assigned themes. The discussions were rich with diverse viewpoints and grounded in the lived experiences of Indigenous women. The participants considered various factors, such as cultural, social, and economic barriers, that influence the roles and status of Indigenous women in each of these areas. After thorough deliberations, each group presented their findings to the larger assembly. These presentations sparked further discussions and provided a platform for a thoughtful exchange of ideas among all participants. The collective insights from these group discussions were not only informative but also instrumental in identifying actionable steps that NIWF can take moving forward.

This event marked a pivotal moment in NIWF's ongoing efforts to amplify the voices of Indigenous Women and ensure their concerns and aspirations are adequately represented in policy discussions. It reaffirmed NIWF's role as a leading advocate for Indigenous Women’s rights and highlighted the importance of inclusive and participatory approaches in addressing the complex and intersectional challenges faced by Indigenous Women in Nepal and beyond. As NIWF continues to engage with the Beijing +30 process, the outcomes of this consultation will serve as a foundational element in their work, guiding their efforts to achieve meaningful and lasting change for Indigenous Women across all spheres of life.

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