From the 4th to the 8th of May 2023, Sushila Gole, Treasurer of NIWF, and Barsha Lekhi an Environmental Activist and Indigenous Engagement Specialist at UNESCO and member of the NIWF, attended the APWLD’s Learning Exchange on Women Human Rights Impact Assessment in Chiang Mai, Thailand.
The Learning Exchange focused on various approaches, including APWLD’s Feminist Participatory Approach (FPAR). This approach not only highlights the existing structural and systemic inequalities but also helps in capacity building, developing essential knowledge tools and resources, and advocating for fair and sustainable solutions.
The exchange aimed to explore how both organizations can strengthen their research and analysis methods by utilizing these approaches. It also aimed to generate ideas on potential methodologies for Women Human Rights Impact Assessment (WHRIA) and explore possibilities for long-term collaboration at the country level.